Saturday, October 22, 2011

Beyond the Lines

"Beyond the Lines," an art show featuring 
Pia Reilly and John McCabe was held at the Clausen Museum in Petersburg, Alaska. The artist's reception, October 14, 2011, was well attended. (To enlarge the image, click on the photo.)

Pia and Jim






JOHN  (watercolor)
 JOHN  top - (colored pencil, ink, graphite)
bottom - (graphite/colored pencil)
JOHN  (colored pencil)

JOHN  (colored pencil)

JOHN (above), PIA (below)
oil on canvas

  JOHN  (oil on canvas)

 PIA   (oil on canvas)

JOHN (left & upper right), PIA (lower right)
oil on canvas

[MORE PHOTOS  =  click "read more"]

Friday, October 21, 2011

Praying Mantis

This praying mantis has been happy in my rose garden eating insects... I happened upon it, in the heat of the afternoon, and ran in to grab my camera. Of course I was trying to get the macro set up and missed the shot of it clasping on to a hornet-type insect.

 The rose is Pascali.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Topping that Tree

Mr. Stevens finishes the job...meanwhile I have a conversation on the street with Joelle about the brown bear cub that has been making the rounds in Petersburg.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Don Stevens has been a busy guy lately. He has been limbing trees in preparation for downing them. Using spikes on his boots and a harness around his waist, he climbs the tree, cutting as he goes. It has been fascinating to watch the progress. Little by little we've been seeing more of Petersburg Mountain appear.  It will be nice for Wally and Colleen's yard; the winter sun will shine through.

One limb down!

My "snapping finger" wasn't quick enough to catch the falling limbs so I did a short video.  Amazing how he moves around those huge limbs!


Well, I'm back for two weeks... rainy as ever! 

The muskeg has begun to rust up. I watched three deer bed down in the backyard the other day. They are pretty tame as I was able to walk up within 6 feet of this one.