Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bear Creek Walk

Today we headed out to Sandy Beach for a walk on the trail towards Bear Creek. It was 29 degrees so we bundled up!

Looking out from Sandy Beach:

From the parking lot we headed for the new Troll's Bridge that crosses the creek:

This lone chimney stands tall at the beginning:
We came upon Joe painting with his dog. I don't know how he kept his fingers warm:

 The trail skirts Frederick Sound the entire mile:

 The Sokui Islands: (where do you look for the correct spelling...)
Looking back towards Sandy Beach and Petersburg Mountain:
There must have been a large blow down since this enormous root ball was turned on end. Four trees had fallen over, crossing the path.

 A look across at Horn Cliff:
Bear Creek aka City Creek:

The old steps up from the creek:
 Looking out from Bear Creek:
 Then the trail became icy as we headed for Frederick Point Road:
 Out onto the road:
 Trees covered with frost everywhere:

 Water was still flowing through this culvert near Sandy Beach:
 One last snap shot from the car of Devil's Thumb:

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Ken brought the doors back today that he had sprayed. The yellow one is for the bathroom. Here they are attaching the hardware. We'll install them in a few days to allow the paint to harden.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The End is Near!

Cutting in the paint.

Stashing furniture proved to be a task...we had Rob's tall ladder so decided to use the space above our closet. While in the bedroom we were able to reach the light bulb that had gone dead a year or two ago. Our tall ladders are not tall enough to reach that high.  After vacuuming the top of the closet, John handed me plants, chairs, etc. to stow.
The final wall to be painted ~ it had many popped nails that were unsightly. Mr. Spackle was quite stressed with all the hassle of trying to keep ahead of Ken the painter and having the spackle cure on time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I wanted to show some of the chaos we've been living with the last week. 
John has been Mr. Spackle and tried to get all the holes filled along with resetting bum nails.

First up was to spray the ceiling. Took down the lights and painted the plastic ends of the tracks that had turned orange from the light.

Dust is the name of this is everywhere and will be for quite a while longer!

Mr. Spackle loves Wally's holds his mud.
This is what our living room looks like at the moment...

Friday, January 14, 2011


There have been a trio of deer hanging around the yard. I remember their faces from visits last summer. Yesterday John put some old coffee grounds out on the rhubarb patch on top of the snow. The young doe had to sample the frozen grounds...not especially interested. Then what do you know but we ran into the three again on our trip to town.

They walked passed the high school and then turned down the bank hill. (Ed Locken's bank hill)
They nibbled on the tree before heading for Main Street. Arnold Haube was headed for TU.
Main Street wasn't busy...they made a bee line for the screened area with the newly planted trees. 
The first one nosed it's way in and then the second followed...they had a little tiff over who was going to nibble on the first shrub.
They popped out of the fenced area and decided to head towards Arnold...right down the middle of the road!

Deer problem?  In Petersburg?!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Walking home from town yesterday we came across Dennis Jones digging in the Icicle parking lot. I guess the propane pipe had disintegrated and needed replacing. He figured the pipe would have lasted if it had been covered with conduit.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What's Cookin'?

When back in Alaska we have to resort to homemade cooking...there's no running to Costco for fresh bread. Today I made Alderbrook Norwegian Rye Bread and Halibut Chowder. This is yummy food for cold, clear skies.

Smells divine!