Friday, June 3, 2011

Opening up the Cabin

It was long past time to open up the cabin for the season so finally we took time out of busy schedules to make it happen. 

We left town in Wally's boat and were puzzled when an alarm sounded off and on. John took the engine out of gear and checked it out...good on the oil, good on the temperature, spitting water fine, and getting plenty of gas.        Hmmmm!             Seeing nothing wrong, we started out again. As the boat sped up the alarm became constant...what a pest it was becoming. So we checked out the engine again, nothing wrong. Perplexed at the situation we finally put in a call to Hammer's Marine to ask what Tim thought the problem might be. While John explained the situation on the phone, Miss Snoopy Snoop did a little snooping and found the source of the problem.  Turns out that it was the depth sounder!                  Whew!               We had lost a bit of time so John kicked that baby into gear and hightailed it for the cabin.

We were able to take the little short cut since the tide was high enough and the cabin came into sight...looking good!

It was an out-going tide so we used the haul-out rope to anchor the boat. Duane, Wally, John and I tugged hard on that rope as it was riddled with barnacles. I must say John did the majority of pulling but we added to the effort! 

Heading up to unlock the door, I had to check out the plants...daphne is growing large and had bloomed, some of the columbine was in bloom in front, the Elderberry was huge and flowering too. Beach grass and new trees are beginning to take over so we'll have to do some work on that this summer.

John cleaned out the gutter that leads to the water tank and put the inlet together while I manned the bilge pump inside the 1000 gallon tank. It was easy to wipe down the walls and floor and let the pump pull out the 4 inches of water and sludge. I think we only had to haul out 10 gallons or so by bucket. That pump saved lots of time and energy!

Had to take a few photos on the landing...

It would have been easy to stay for a few days but without water and food it was time to head back to town. 
And so we pulled in the boat and climbed aboard...

just a little bit high and dry so John's boots became low and wet.
A grand time was had by all!

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