The doves visit but they stay on the ground picking through the dropped seeds and hulls.
I was surprised to find this roadrunner snooping around the back patio. It cruised up to the sliding doors, going the length of the house and then ran into the garden. I took this photo from inside the bedroom through the dirty window, then took the camera outside to snap a few more.
The Roadrunner was quite still. To my surprise all of a sudden his back looked like the wind was spreading his feathers. It was sunbathing! I read where they will spread their back feathers to let the sun warm the downy feathers.
Here it is sitting on the wall...
Sitting on the wall sunbathing...
Tiptoeing under a rosebush...
I thought I had quite the collection of photos so I went in to recharge the battery. Glancing out I noticed the bird dancing around in circles. What was that dangling out of it's beak? Oh no, not one of the resident lizards!!! Poor little lizard was a quick lunchtime gulp.
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