Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Digging Out

 John decided to dig out the trailer so he could go out to Alaska Marine Lines to pick up the new dishwasher.
He got out the adz and numerous shovels. It took no time at all (well, not quite) to dig free. I helped briefly with the adz and then cleaned off the boat. The rain is making the snow quite heavy.
 The water down in the gully was rushing under the snow and ice.

John called from AML. He arrived to pick up the dishwasher with the trailer and the guy wondered how he was going to fit all of the freight on that little thing. We had five appliances awaiting pickup...too bad they weren't ours! The very bad part for us was that the dishwasher we had ordered wasn't part of the shipment. Wonder if it will arrive before we leave?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

When It Snows, Make...

...Snow Grandmas!

I had gone out to help John shovel the driveway, to find him just finishing up. Adam had come by with the plow and had taken care of the major snow. After cleaning the deck I decided to do a little playing.
The snow was fairly dry, except for the top layer, so it wasn't easy to get her rolled. Sure was  nice to be wearing my nice warm mittens that Annie knit!

She needed hair so some primrose leaves were handy. I didn't want to waste the twigs so I added them to the crown of her head and it made a tiara!

Back Door Visitors

We'd like to have lunch!
John was on the phone talking with Wally when he yelled at me to come to the door. He said someone wanted to talk to me and he didn't know who they were. Grrrrr!

What's he doing?
This one was wondering what John was up to on the computer. He was saying how cute they were and that he really would like to feed them!

 This guy was getting up close and personal about it all...how could I resist those begging eyes? EASY!!   Well, not really easy but I didn't want to start another bad habit.

Bare pantry at this back door.
They finally got the hint...no food was coming.

Are you sure you won't feed me?
And off they went...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Looking for food

This morning visitor was looking for food in muskeg with snow up to it's tummy.

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