Today we headed out to Sandy Beach for a walk on the trail towards Bear Creek. It was 29 degrees so we bundled up!
Looking out from Sandy Beach:

This lone chimney stands tall at the beginning:
We came upon Joe painting with his dog. I don't know how he kept his fingers warm:
The trail skirts Frederick Sound the entire mile:
The Sokui Islands: (where do you look for the correct spelling...)
Looking back towards Sandy Beach and Petersburg Mountain:

There must have been a large blow down since this enormous root ball was turned on end. Four trees had fallen over, crossing the path.
A look across at Horn Cliff:
Bear Creek aka City Creek:
The old steps up from the creek:
Looking out from Bear Creek:
Then the trail became icy as we headed for Frederick Point Road:
Out onto the road:
Trees covered with frost everywhere:
Water was still flowing through this culvert near Sandy Beach:
One last snap shot from the car of Devil's Thumb: