Wednesday, October 20, 2010


After 30 + years we are getting the beam caulked. I worked on the section in the bathroom and the lower end with a tall ladder. After I ran out of height, John brought in the extension ladder and took over. He forbid me to climb it!!!

 After caulking, it takes a bit of fiddling with the the artist is fine tuning his work.
 Finished one side, now around to the other...
 Oops! Flying caulk hit the wall...
John felt hot air drifting into the gaps at the highest points. We are hoping that it will help somewhat with our second energy audit in December. Our upgrades have to show a savings of energy to get some reimbursement.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Trials and Tribulations of Leaks

Today we were making rain on top of the roof! John has been trying to find the source of a leak that has been occasionally dripping through the ceiling in the garage. He has been at this for over a week! We have been blessed with rainy weather, making it easy to uncover sections of tarp and watch for drips.                            

Today it wasn't up on the roof we went. After getting over my fear of being close to the edge, even though I wasn't very close, I used the garden hose to water the composition roofing. Since that didn't produce any leaking, John moved the tarp back passed the corner.   

Shuffling the rocks and various 2x4's around to move the tarp has been entertainment for the Wolfs. Sandy has been watching the changing arrangements.
This corner spot is where we think the trouble may lie...

The flashing next to John's tummy is suspicious. It was added by a carpenter a few years ago to solve the problem, but I think it caused another one...
John is removing the tacked-down strip holding the tarp.
 Time for some rain showers!

 Do you think we could get the leak to begin...NO! We'll have to wait for Mother Nature to help out; the forecast is for rain.

Mother Nature was busy painting trees!

Vine Maple leaves still clinging to the vine.

Paperbark Maple, (Acer griseum) looking up
is one of the later turning maple trees. It's color has been changing daily.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cranberry Time

We packed up the new Honda and headed out the road to harvest cranberries...
Heading into the muskeg to find the elusive berry.
Sometimes the patch is so sparse you lean over for a quick pick...
  Sometimes you have to kneel in the soft, spongy muskeg to pick a large patch...
 Sometimes you have to tromp around to find patches...

After picking for awhile, it was lunchtime and we had a tailgate picnic. Then the rain blew in from the south and we donned rain gear and picked some more. Finally, the skies were so dark it was difficult to see the tiny berries so we packed up and drove home. We picked 12 cups between the three of us...
Wally cleaned them and we're looking forward to sauce at Thanksgiving and Christmas!

 Before leaving I snapped a photo of the devil's club in the back yard...
 and the Curly Bark Maple in the front yard.