Our niece Leah, and her girlfriend Hannah, are visiting the desert during part of spring break. The day they arrived the wind was blowing clouds in from the coast with gusts up to 45mph. They were good sports and didn't complain! Arriving on an early plane in Palm Springs means an early wake-up in Seattle ~ they had a very good sleep the first evening here.
Picking lemons for lemonade
Yesterday we enjoyed strolling up and down El Paseo, venturing into a few shops along the way. Leah found a great scarf in one boutique, I picked up lotion at Harry & David's, and Colleen picked up pear chips there. The weather was perfect...warm but not too hot. It is always fun to people watch and the one that made an impression on me was just outside Sak's! The gentleman was wearing leather shoes with turned up toes, long pony tail, and some gold on the hands. Of course it was fun to stroll through the store and browse. I thought it a bit steep when I looked at a leather belt for $350. From there we went into the shoe section (Leah was looking for prom shoes)...buttery leather again...with prices up in the $600 range. Then I had to check out the bags. I found one I would love to have if I led that kind of lifestyle. It was a deep red leather with a huge red leather flower on one side. That little bag went for $995. Ugh. Think of all the good you could do with that amount of cash.
Hanging out in the sun
Today I worked in the roses spraying for mildew. Our summertime gardener stopped by to make sure we hadn't forgotten him. I think he wants to keep his clients~the Canadians are all beginning to leave the desert and I'm sure he thought we were leaving as well. Our plan is to drive up to Cashmere around May 10-15th depending on Annie and the new baby boy. John will spend time visiting there before driving back to Thousand Palms for his dental appointment. We should have the house kinda packed away for the summer before driving up. John will have to do the "last minute things" before flying north for the summer.
Lillian Austin
All That Jazz